Monday, January 14, 2008

Thing 29 and 30 My Last Entry and I'm Thrilled

Well Web 2.0 was definitely a learning experience for me. Unfortunatley, many times I found the experience to be very frustrating. Since I am definitely computer challenged I must give a big thank you to two of my coworkers, Elizabeth & Crystal, for getting me through to the end. I have come to the realization that social networking, YouTube, Wikis, RSS Feeds, etc... are not for me. However, if it wasn't for this training I would have never visited any of the various sites. I can relate to the blog by "Problems with Dogs," when they said they would have never done any of this if it weren't for this training and that they have expanded their horizons. I did learn alot but truly wonder how much of it I will every use at work and especially at home.

After reading several of my coworkers blogs, I must agree with alot of the comments on "A Learning Experience." I also thought that this training required too much reading and much more time than I had initally anticipated. There were several problems with links and not having sound cards on our public computers was a big hinderance. I also didn't like having to create so many accounts that I will never use again.

I did enjoy all of the beautiful pictures of Miss Princess Reagan. Also, the grooming experience on another blog was a hoot. Being a huge pet lover I can relate 100%

I'm done and I feel a great weight lifted from my shoulders.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thing 28 Rollyo

This weeks Web 2.0 assignments have been fairly easy for me which is a nice change of pace. I took a look at Rollyo and a few other search scrolls. Unfortunately, several of the recently added scrolls were rather obscene. However, I did find search scrolls interesting since you can customize your search results to websites that you feel are trustworthy. You don't have to wade through irrelevant websites.
Rollyo and other search scrolls would be beneficial to students who are writing papers or doing research on a particular topic. It's a fast and easy way to find information on topics from trusted websites.

Thing 27 LibraryThing

Library Thing is the world's largest bookclub with over 22 million cataloged books. It is definitely a great site for lovers of books. It allows you to connect with and share books with individuals who read similar titles or genres. You can create a library quality catalog of your books and write reviews also.

Here is a link to my LibraryThings catalog

Thing 26 Image Generators

I explored various image generators such as The Generator Blog and FD Toys. I found several fun things that could be done by using them. You can create such things as photo calendars, jigsaw puzzles, and photo walls with FD Toys site. I looked at Hairmixer Generator and Badjokes Generator. A coworker told me about Heritage Celebrity that you can use for face recognition and genealogy. Below is the link to that site where you can discover the "celebrity in you."

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Thing 25 Podcasts and the Public Library

I looked at several podcasts from various academic and public libraries. Denver Public has podcasts with Harry Potter interviews. They also have a podcasts for storytime favorites. Unfortunatley, Websense blocked that actual podcasts but I was able to see what the various libraries offer on podcasts. Boulder Public Library had an entire section of podcasts published by their teen group.

I now see how a public library could use podcasts to market their libraries and services. Several sites had podcast book reviews.

Here's a few links to some funny podcasts on YouTube

Thing 24 Podcasting

I tried to discover the world of podcasting but I didn't get very far. At my building we do not have speakers or headphones for the public computers, so I couldn't view the assigned podcasts. I tried the staff computers and Websense blocked and Yahoo Podcasts link sent me to the Yahoo Search Page and I tried searching the subjects podcasts, but they entries required downloading.

I checked out CNN's podcasts and pasted it's link here.

Thing 23 YouTube and video sharing

I checked out YouTube and found a couple of funny videocasts such as Ninja Librarian and Angry Housewife. I clicked on the section under Pets and Animals and saw several inapppropriate and depressing videocasts. There are also sections such as Most Viewed and Top Favorites. Overall, I guess I'm just not into the YouTube generation. I'm not sure how the library could apply YouTube to our website, but maybe I will learn about that later.